"I am proud to present thl’s FY24 Global Modern Slavery Statement, marking our second year of reporting. Our commitment to sustainable procurement and taking positive action against modern slavery is reflected in our changing business practices and progress on actions in our Thrive anti-modern slavery Roadmap.
This Statement highlights the progress we have made in FY24, but we recognise that important work is ongoing due to the complexity of our supply chain and the continued prevalence of people globally who are caught in modern slavery."
- Grant Webster, CEO
Read our latest Modern Slavery Statement
thl's Modern Slavery Statement
thl’s FY24 Modern Slavery Statement marks our second year of reporting. By applying a future-fit mindset and methodology based on the 23 goals of the Future-Fit Business Benchmark, we have made progress in FY24 combatting modern slavery within our supply chain. We recognise that we are on a journey towards maturity and still have significant progress to go before eliminating modern slavery from our supply chain.
There is modern slavery legislation in place in several regions where thl operates, including Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States (California). We have aimed to meet each of these legislations in this Statement. Hamilton Locke has reviewed this Statement to check compliance with Australian requirements which are considered the most stringent.
This Statement is based on FY24 activities, spend data (1st June 2023 to 31st May 2024), and risk analysis conducted by a third-party consultant. The data covers procurement in New Zealand, Australia, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Ireland. Risk assessments were performed on 166 global Tier One suppliers, accounting for approximately $290 million of FY24 spend, a significant improvement from FY23’s focus on the top 50 New Zealand suppliers. The risk assessment indicates that we have a high risk of modern slavery beyond our tier one suppliers (further down our supply chain).
In FY24, we progressed our Thrive Roadmap by enhancing data collection, updating policies, improving future-fit hotspot analysis and embedding actions within our Global Sustainable Procurement Group (GSPG). We have over 100 suppliers in our register who have completed our Supplier Code of Conduct (SCOC) self-assessments. Additionally, we have made our free and anonymous SpeakUp phoneline available to all.
Key actions for FY25 include increasing the number of Tier One suppliers who have signed the SCOC by setting an internal target, developing training for key crew members (employees) on identifying signs of forced labour, developing KPIs for relevant internal roles, and monitor the remedy of grievance through the Governance and Ethics Committee (GEC).
At thl, we take any instances of misconduct, ethical violations, or illegal activities very seriously. If you have concerns about our practices or those of our suppliers, we encourage you to use our SpeakUp platform. This platform provides a safe, confidential, and anonymous way to report your concerns, helping us foster a healthier and more ethical environment. Your voice is important to us.